It’s a Date! Hungarian Vocabulary of Flirting
This is known as one of the most common facts that Hungarian girls are pretty. Well, boys aren’t behind, either!
If you visit Hungary while hoping to find somebody special you will need particular vocabulary.
With this, I can help you!
Let’s learn some special expressions today in case of gaining attention and a date!
1)Start a conversation:
Hungarian | English |
Helló! | Hello! 🙂 |
Gyakran jársz ide? | Do you come here often? |
Szeretsz táncolni? | Do you like dancing? |
Hogy hívnak? Mi a neved? |
How are you called? What is your name? |
2)Express you fancy somebody:
Hungarian | English |
Tetszel nekem. | I like you. |
Szép vagy. | You are beautiful. |
Szép a szemed. | Your eyes are beautiful. |
Csinos vagy. | You are pretty. |
Sármos vagy | You are charming. |
Jóképű vagy | You are good-looking. |
Jó pasi vagy | Literally: You are a good guy. ~ You are a good catch. |
3)Let’s put the expressions in their places.
There are some which are only used TO WOMEN and others are only used TO MEN.
Okay, there is one exception: Tetszel nekem. This one can be used by and to both genders.
![]() |
![]() |
Nő | Férfi |
Tetszel nekem. | |
szép | jóképű |
csinos | sármos |
jó nő | jó pasi |
1)Learn the adjectives from the table above.
2)Put them into sentences. For e.g.: Szép vagy!
3)Revise and check your sentences according to the second table!
4)Write a 3 sentence-long text. What would you say when meeting the special one? Use table 1, too!
In the next part of the post we are going to learn how to ask for a date!
To be continued!